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Seven Day Detox Workshop

with Kathy McNeely, MS, CNS, LDN
Nutritionist & Health Coach

This fall Center Point Healing will offer a 2-day detox workshop series exploring the health benefits of detoxification. Participants will receive all they need to prepare and carryout a successful seven-day cleanse and will be supported in their own detox experience by Kathy McNeely, a licensed nutritionist.


1- Introductory Workshop: Thursday, septmber 24 at 7:30 pm at Center Point Healing

The first workshop takes place 2 days before the detox begins; it will highlight the specific health benefits of detoxing as well as prepare participants for what they might expect. Participants will be fully prepared with a detox protocol, shopping list, recipes and self-care tips for their own detox.

Many of the above materials will be sent to the participant 6 days before the detox begins via a password-protected website. Participants are encouraged to use the six days before the detox to stock their home with whole foods and other detox supplies and to reduce their sugar and caffeine intake (doing so will minimize strong reactions your body may have during the detox).

2- Teleconference:Sunday, September 27 at 7:30 pm

Participants will have the option to check in via telephone to discuss their first two detox days.

3- Final Meeting Thursday, October 1 at 7:30 pmat Center Point Healing

This meeting will serve as a second check-in and will prepare participants to end the detox. Participants will learn more about the changes their bodies and minds will have gone through during the detox, and will receive tips and advice on how to reintroduce foods, tools for observing body reactions, guidelines for how and when do their own future detox, and suggestions on how to continue eating “clean.”

Email support: Participants will receive email communications from Kathy throughout the week of preparation and detox including messages of encouragement, recipes, ideas for self-care, journaling tools or tips to help increase awareness and get the most from the detox.

Connection & Sharing: A Facebook page will be created for participants to share struggles, support, ideas, discoveries and recipes. Participation in this group is optional, and it will be moderated by Kathy McNeely to help with questions and concerns that arise during the detox.

COST: $65 per person
Ideal workshop number 15-18
Registration at Center Point Healing by Midnight on September 16

Testimonials from detox participants in 2014:
My body is talking to me differently and I’m listening. It feels good!
Kathy REALLY got me started on the right path!

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