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Fermentation Workshop

Center Point Healing 73098 Baltimore Avenue Suite 119, College Park, MD, United States

  What's the deal with fermented foods? Are you wondering about whether you need to take probiotics? Could fermented foods help more than just your digestive system? Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, yogurt, and seitan have been getting a lot of press lately, and you can encorporate them into your diet easily. Get the […]


Breaking Up With Sugar

Center Point Healing 73098 Baltimore Avenue Suite 119, College Park, MD, United States

Sometimes,  sugar isn't so sweet- it takes its toll on our bodies in the form of mood swings, weight gain, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Yet, when that powerful craving comes upon us, we find sugar hard to resist. Participants will explore the source of  the sweeteners that we use in the Western diet and […]


Health Strategies for the Holidays

Do you feel that your health goals are completely undone by the five weeks on nonstop holiday parties that happen between Thanksgiving and New Years? This workshop will provide you with a number of strategies that will help you formulate your own plan for staying on track during the holiday season. Attend with a friend […]


Psychology of Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Need

Center Point Healing 73098 Baltimore Avenue Suite 119, College Park, MD, United States

Market strategies, visual cues  and other illusions can sub-consciously prompt us to eat more. In this workshop, participants will unpack some of the psychological traps used by food manufactures and restaurants, and some of the habits we practice in our own kitchens that cause us too eat too much, and develop strategies to keep on […]


Winter Wellness Festival

Center Point Healing 73098 Baltimore Avenue Suite 119, College Park, MD, United States

Have you always wanted to know more about acupuncture and holistic healing, but haven't booked an appointment at Center Point Healing yet? Stop by on Sunday afternoon for a variety of FREE wellness activities: 10 minute chair massage Register Here Sample acupuncture session Register Here Acupuncture screening (learn the science of the practice, no needles […]

Post-Holiday Detox

Center Point Healing 73098 Baltimore Avenue Suite 119, College Park, MD, United States

Designed for individuals who do well with a little support while they work to reconstitute their best health habits after holiday parties and over-the-top meals took over. This program that provides participants with individual support from a licensed nutritionist via in-person meetings, phone support and a facebook group, with a focus on whole foods, self-care […]


Whole Foods Diet Makeover #1

Center Point Healing 73098 Baltimore Avenue Suite 119, College Park, MD, United States

This 6-part class redefines weight loss shifting the focus away from calorie counting and toward adding whole foods to the diet. In this first session participants will focus on setting simple goals for adding more leafy greens into their diets     Register Here Email Kathy with  any questions


Whole Foods Diet Makeover #2

Center Point Healing 73098 Baltimore Avenue Suite 119, College Park, MD, United States

This 6-part class redefines weight loss shifting the focus away from calorie counting and toward adding whole foods to the diet. This second session focuses on healthy grains and tricks and trips in meal planning. Register Here Email Kathy with any questions   Image Credit
